Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Government does not know who to Watch!

Ok so first day in DC we got a great tour from Mrs. Opperman's brother or something and he knew his stuff. We did our whole thing where we go to the white house, and boy was one of the protesters interesting!

The man claimed that the FBI has been harassing him for years for no reason and that he has nothing...besides a bull horn that he used very frequently. The government hating this guy was just to much for him to handle.

I say that the government is watching the wrong people because Ethan Libke, oh boy, is the one that should be watched. For any reason including comedy. His form of enertainment on the bus tonight was taking a tampon used or unused and shoving it in people's faces and singing into it. Oh man that is mature!

So not too much in the way of drama yet, but I'm seeing a lot of potential! People are annoyed and sleep deprived. The ones that are really annoyed will go on name but anyone that has known them for more than a week could likely figure it out.

That's all for now folks!

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